
The Other Side Pt 2

Continuing on from Pt1 ......Five years had gone by, I hadn't tried to visit the spirit world again via the method I'd learnt of meditation & picturing yourself moving up towards the ceiling on the inhales of breath. Although previously it had been a wonderful experience, it had still been a shock and reminded me that you shouldn't play around with these things, little did I know I wouldn't have to ? I was lying in bed on my back when I had the urge to open my eyes, that sensation always unnerved me because it was something I'd experienced as a small child, I should explain, I didn't actually want to open my eyes but it was as though something was forcing them open, the feeling becomes so strong its almost as if your eye balls will explode if you don't open them, and whenever this had happened I always ended up seeing something. It had started as a 4yr old back in our old house, when I saw a man in the middle of the night, he was standing by the open be

The Other Side? Pt 1

It's often said that after death the after life is like a wonderful dream and having experienced it on a number of occasions I can confirm it is very much the same as in dream state, the only difference being you know it's not, you are still conscious of yourself and your being . After all, y our dreams and their messages are sent from the Spirit world in the first place so it makes sense that after death there is a familiarity between  the spirit world and our dreams.  In my last article I promised to share with you some of the experiences I have had but never shared publicly before, as I have stated previously I don't expect you to believe any of it, as someone who deems themselves fairly intelligent and rational thinking, often referred to as a cynic but prefers the term realist, had I not had these experiences for myself I would also be raising an eyebrow. But I can only say hand on heart what I'm about to share with you is a genuine account of what happened. I w

Dream Traveller

Is it  possible to travel while asleep, as in Astral travel or Astral projection? Well, It's a vast subject but in easy terms it's about  an intentional out of body experience where the physical body stays on the bed and the soul leaves the body to travel the universe, it's the same kind of experience  as reported by those after a near death experience, so the answer is yes. Now before you start thinking I'm four Pringles short of a tube let me explain. The reason I can answer the question is because it's happened to me, I say happened TO me because in my case it wasn't intentional, never have I  been supping on a Horlicks before bed thinking " I hope I get scared shitless tonight and my soul decides to leave my  chubby little body behind and go for a wander?" But that's exactly what happened....apart from the Horlicks bit, come on, I'm not 93 and I can't stand Horlicks?   I don't expect you to believe what you're about to read, up

What Does It Mean?

I  recently  put control of this article over to you. What Dream subject would you like to know about?  You came back with "Flying" "Going for a wee" and "Being chased".....not all at the same time I should hasten to add, at least I don't think so?  🤣 All three requests are  very common subjects that come up time and time again, so let's begin by addressing "Flying". There can be a multitude of reasons for flying in a dream depending on individual situations and life circumstances, from feeling trapped or suffocated or stuck, to feeling controlled by a partner or parent or other, this can also affect children of course?  Sometimes when our waking life isn't going well it can become overwhelming and we want to get away from it, but can't for whatever reason, so in our dream we fly, we fly because it represents freedom and being unrestricted, this action not only safely releases some of the stress we are holding from our daily waki

Anxiety Dreams?

Are you someone that suffers with anxiety in everyday life?   Then chances are, it's going to spill over into your dreams & vice versa until life just feels like one big endless bundle of anxious? The bottom line is, something in your life is out of balance and needs sorting and your Dream will alert you to this. When it comes to us humans, mental and physical aren't separate, if you hurt your knee,you might have to limp putting more pressure on the other-side of your body? This in turn could  make the hips out of alignment and also cause you pain in that area? Which in turn could make the spine out of alignment which  could mean one shoulder is higher than the other causing more pressure on one side of the neck?  Physical pain can make you feel depressed ...and so on, so one simple knee problem ends up transcending much wider. It's the same with mental health, transcending wider than just your head, with anxiety it can make a person feel sick or actually be physically 

Stuck In Slowmo?

Have you ever tried running away in a dream but found yourself stuck, unable to get away from something you're desperately trying to run away from ?  Or maybe you find yourself running in slow motion like a scene out of Baywatch (Only we never look as good do we?) and suddenly hit with panic that   you can't get away quick enough?  ....Well you're not alone. There are a number of reasons this can happen, sometimes it can be that you're trying to rush through something too quickly in your waking life? It might be a difficult personal situation that you want to get over with? Or it could be studying or an exam? The anxiety and stress felt in our waking lives is displayed in our dreams to draw attention. As much as we want to, for our own good we can't always rush things, we have to experience the life lesson meant for us no matter how uncomfortable. Another reason for this type of dream can be that you're trying to run away from something that you need to face. It


Life is fragile, I'm sure you've all heard that said at some point or other? But how many really take notice of the words and their meaning ? Life is fragile....I think most of us are guilty of hearing but not really listening? For those that follow, you will know of my own guilt of hearing but not listening that I've spoken about in the past regarding the loss of my sister and our chat about her Christian faith and the Lords prayer, where I asked her if she was angry with god and she explained that she was sad but not angry because in the Lords Prayer it says "Give us this day" it doesn't say give us this week, month or year? It says "Give us this day" and today is all that we can be sure of ? I spoke about the fact that I'd probably said the Lords prayer in assembly from the time I was five years old and yet I'd never really paid much attention to the words over the years, they were just words. but in that moment spent with my sister w

Life Is But a Dream?

The closest most of us can get to experiencing what the  afterlife is like is in our dreams. I'm not talking nightmares here just your usual good vibe dreams. Sound good? Keep reading, When you're in a dream, have you been in one place and then suddenly found yourself in another?  Or you've been in one place and thought you need to be someone else and Boom! you're there? you've not caught the bus or train, or got in a car, you've just simply arrived at the destination you needed to be by thinking of it? Well that's the same that happens in the afterlife.  When it come's to talking in a dream have you ever noticed that although you're having a conversation with someone, your mouths aren't  actually moving and you're  speaking and responding with your minds? It still feels exactly the same as it is in   your waking life , so normal in fact that it doesn't take you by suprise?  For some, in dream state they  don't even realize  they are


  When we cross over, the main man won’t say “So how many selfies you taken today babe? “ Or “How much money did you make?” Or “were you on TV?” That’s not the reason we were called into being see, We’ll be asked things like “What difference did you make to the world?” And “What ripple of change did you start? How much Love did you put out there, felt by another’s heart? How many acts of kindness and in words that left your lips? That you took time to help put someone back together When they were broken and in bits?   How many times did you find time simply to help someone in need Without fanfare or viral video and YouTube Monetary greed? Did you practice what you preach, living by your truth Or were Kindness and Compassion just empty words Spoken under a pointed roof? When the world was hit by Crisis were you the first to close your door? Or throw it open and embrace the challenge to restore All those needing comfort in times of trouble and distress

Abnormal Dreaming?

Back in May, I wrote about how Covid was having an impact  on people's dreams or in most cases nightmares and unfortunately not a lot has changed, With the increase in mental health problems and a rise in suicide cases it's too early to say  what number is a direct result of the Lockdown but I'm guessing it's going to be quite high? The majority of messages I'm receiving are from those who are experiencing anxiety, weird sleeping patterns, unable to sleep at all, or drifting in and out of sleep with nightmares in-between, so I thought I would write another article on the subject.  Firstly you are not alone, now I know that's not much comfort when your nights are spent either staring at the ceiling huffing  or bouncing off the bed screaming as you wake from a midget chasing you down the street with an axe?  BUT... you are not weird, you are not going mad and it's just your body's way of dealing with what's going on right now. Dreams and nightmares are