The Other Side Pt 2
Continuing on from Pt1 ......Five years had gone by, I hadn't tried to visit the spirit world again via the method I'd learnt of meditation & picturing yourself moving up towards the ceiling on the inhales of breath. Although previously it had been a wonderful experience, it had still been a shock and reminded me that you shouldn't play around with these things, little did I know I wouldn't have to ? I was lying in bed on my back when I had the urge to open my eyes, that sensation always unnerved me because it was something I'd experienced as a small child, I should explain, I didn't actually want to open my eyes but it was as though something was forcing them open, the feeling becomes so strong its almost as if your eye balls will explode if you don't open them, and whenever this had happened I always ended up seeing something. It had started as a 4yr old back in our old house, when I saw a man in the middle of the night, he was standing by the open be